Thursday, May 15, 2008

If you want a Call Centre Job (BPO Job)

What is a BPO job like?

Instead of working in a bank, credit card company or telecom company where you get to interact face-to-face with the customer, in a call centre you solve problems and provide information over the phone or Internet from a remote location. As in the IT industry, call-centres work round-the-clock and are air-conditioned and ergonomically designed (the better ones even have their own gyms and coffee shops to help you unwind). The atmosphere is informal yet professional. You work in shifts and meals plus pick-up and drop services are offered to every staff member.

On the flip side you must realise that while all this may sound very hi-tech and the money may be fairly decent, the work can become somewhat routine and monotonous. The stress of working long hours, night shifts, irregular eating habits and the demanding pace can be a big challenge. The job is surely not just about having fun. It requires a lot of grey cells and hard work.

What do call centers look for?

Call centres look for confidence and the ability to speak well in unfamiliar situations, basic computer skills and of course excellent spoken English with a decent voice qualityHandling tricky complaints and persuading clients to stick to repayment schedules calls for diplomacy, presence of mind, communication skills and absolute familiarity with the product line and company policy

For more on a BPO Job, visit the Career Resources page on

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