Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Ideal Career

Career in India Having an ideal career is a dream for all. For those, who are standing on the threshold of stepping into the corporate world and the ones in it facing a constant pressure to perform. Now the catch 22 situation is where you are asked to plan a career!

If it was so much under my control to sketch and build a perfect career, would I not become the next Bill Gates? But taking all the external and internal factors into account I still can do a bit of planning. Let's say a bit of preparation to deal with a lot of happening days!

The very basic is to know what you actually want. What kind of a company are you ready to work in? Which work culture will enable you to perform? What kind of people do you want to work with? Do you want them to be behaving formally or you want to work in a fun place? What work profile you want? Do you wish to be a leader or a follower?

Think about the roles and responsibilities you want to take. How strong is your emotional quotient for some not-so-desirable work situations? What kind of benefits and compensation you want from the company? Answers to all these questions will bring out a picture of what kind of a career you desire!

Also draft a sketch of must haves you can't do without! This is a category that has a big impact on your career. It is obvious that delightful factors make you perform better than in regular situations. But factors like a good machine to work on is a necessity but the same affair could get delightful if your company gave you a latest technology laptop!

So make sure your must have list is not over-powered by things that delight you! Must-haves are very important. They are absolute requirements. While you may give up some of your "wants," must-haves are essential and cannot be compromised.

Shape your career with searching Employment in India, Jobs by Location, Jobs by Level and Jobs by function.

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